Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jan Kohler Art Prints and Davree's Reindeer

Davree has had a lap pal for years and Reese has been trying to steal away the reindeer. Thankfully I've caught him every time. Here is Davree, very happy to have her little pal.

Today I printed little prints of my husband's artwork. Larger prints are available in our Paris Cabinet Etsy shop, see link above. The little prints need frames before going into Davree's cottage and the Christmas scene.

Above, left is The Tuck Box in Carmel, California. At right is the Koppelpoort, a medieval gate built in the 1400s. The water gate was a 15 minute walk from our home when we lived in the Netherlands. The boat entry could be closed to marauders by lowering the heavy wooden gate in the center of the building. In the building on either side of the gate is a large wooden wheel, like a giant hamster wheel. It took six men in each wheel to operate. A print is available of the midnight photo taken on our last trip to Amersfoort.

At left is the side view of the 1200s Kamperbinnenpoort water gate in the city of Amersfoort where we lived. At right is the Fresno landmark of the old water tower with a huge wreath on top. Hubby did a fabulous job painting this charming fantasy Fresno snow scene adding a man and two children and their snow sleds and a red pick up truck hauling a Christmas.

Coming Soon

Visit Davree's Cottage Christmas Scene

Location and evening hours to be posted soon.

Thanksgiving weekend till December 31, 2013

Fresno, California

For more information
Call Donna at 559 355-3080

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