
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Two Steps Back Again for Garden Castle Shed

Again we seem to be on the two steps back and one step forward on the garden castle shed project. Can you hear me screaming? I want it done and we just do not have enough hours to work much after our work which we are trying to do early or late in the day.

Besides some storage the shed will be a place to work on painting and messy projects. Here is a desk I painted Sea Salt white over the weekend while Jan was painting projects for orders to be shipped. The desk had a bad finish and bubbled veneer and broken drawer. I arranged a few things on it and the drawers will be for supplies and tools. One drawer now has sand paper and sanding block, another has garden sheers and gloves. Jan made the heart and arrow sign propped on the desk.

For days rain has been predicted and each day no rain. We need rain in the valley after several years of drought. We won't complain about the rain but it put a stop to working on the project. Yesterday, Monday, was sunny and warm so we started working on the wood panels for the right turret. It didn't go as we wanted and by the time we were back from an errand at 5 p.m. it was too dark to work so Jan threw a tarp over the open frame. Now doesn't it look like two steps back? This is how it looked this morning when we finally got rain. Looks so sad, not the wonderful shed I have in my mind.

The hold up and problem yesterday was when we shingled a section of the roof. The sections are just too small to use regular comp shingles. We didn't like it so took off to see if we could find a roll of slate gray roofing. Home Depot had rolls only in a brown and pale gray which we did not like. We made a call to a roofer explaining what we needed, they suggested ABC Supply so our errand took us across town. They had two types, plain and one that self sticks. Self-sticking? That sounded great for the triangle sections and then there will be a cap over the sections where they meet.

This morning I pulled off the plastic covering the door opening to get a little glimpse of my future shed. Still so much to do but having a little vignette makes me feel better. The big black roll of roofing felt is standing to the right and Jan's tool caddy is just waiting for a day to work.

It's almost 1 p.m. and we haven't had rain for a while. Maybe we can sneak out to get some panels done before we get more rain or before it gets too dark.

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