
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Frances the Fairy in Davree's Christmas Cottage Scene

Frances has been fluttering around the Christmas tree in Davree's cottage. She has her own little purple fairy door to come and go and visit her woodland friends.

Kitty has been watching the knitting basket. She wants to play with the ball of yarn.

Come visit Davree's Christmas scene, it will be up through Sunday, December 29. Official hours are 6 to 9 p.m. but could be earlier, anytime after 5, it's dark enough by then.

Bring your friends and family and let everyone know about Davree's Christmas and there is a page with her story to pick up and also questions about what you find in the cottage.

1 comment:

  1. How delightful! I do hope you are getting lots of visitors to the cottage!
