
Monday, November 11, 2013

Davree's Christmas Dress Fitting

The dogs are gone! Luigi, Yoshi and Peach went home this afternoon so life should get back to normal so we can get back to the Davree's Christmas scene project.

This morning Davree sat on the edge of my sewing table for the first fitting of her Christmas dress.  She rejected a couple of white fabrics I had and insisted on a dress made out of ribbon. Do you know how much trouble that is to piece ribbon to make fabric? Well, Davree has never had a dress made for her so I complied. The pieced fabric for her skirt is across her lap.

Thinking she needed a little color I added a red polka dot bow to match the wreath I showed you a few days ago. Davree rejected it immediately when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She said it made her look like she was going to the circus so it was quickly removed.

 Looking through my box of ribbons I came across a deep rose sheer ribbon. She thought that suited her dainty personality much better. The skirt is pleated at the waist now and the hemming is done but not yet attached to the bodice which still needs adjustment. You won't get to see her final fitting or completed dress till the day of the big reveal when she moves into her Christmas house.

While all the sewing was being done her t-shirt was in the laundry. Here she is, fresh and happy with her pet doggies.

Jan made slow progress on the house today. The framing is complete and part of the roof is assembled. He should get the rafters on tomorrow, that means we can start the interior walls and I will start painting and detailing.

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